Friday, October 15, 2010

Counting, Cooking and Costumes

I'm not sure, but I think Reece could be the smartest boy ever :) He's already speaking in full sentences...minus a conjunction word or pronoun here or there. An example of a few sentences he has been saying lately...

"The sun is bright...sun in eyes."
"Bring the bowl outside."
"It's a little/big/itty bitty bus."

He also knows most of his colors and a few shapes. He's into sizes and comparing things. We have found that he is beginning to grasp the concept of counting, but his favorite numbers are 8, 9, and he usually just says those when counting. But the other day Ethan said, "One, two, three, ____" and stopped, and Reece filled in the blank and said, "Four." Then Ethan said, "Five..." and Reece said, "Six." Pretty great!

I have been letting him up on the step stool while I cook lately, so he is now OBSESSED with bowls, spoons, and pans and pots. He wants to sleep with the pot, bring the bowls outside, upstairs, downstairs, in the car. Which we do not let him, and he usually cries about it! He pretends to pour things into the pans and stirs to his little hearts content. He went through a phase like this around a year, and now is back to it. He says the pan is "hot" and blows on it to cool it down. He offers Ethan and I bites of his "soup" (that's usually what he makes). Now if I could just get him to do dishes without making a mess!!

Today we went hunting for a costume. I tried a few on at Once Upon a Child. A chicken and a dragon...both had hoods which he DID NOT like! So that ruled out anything with a hood which leaves only superheros...which he does not know who any superheros are yet. So, I think we'll just use what we have and not spend any $$ and he'll be a farmer with overalls, plaid shirt, and a John Deere hat. Voila!

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