Saturday, January 22, 2011

Big Boy in a BIG Bed!

My parents came this weekend and we touched up paint in Reece's big boy room and did a few other things around the house that I just felt I couldn't leave undone before baby gets here. We had Grammy and Papa talk up the big boy room and say how cool it was and what a nice big bed, etc. So we did the bath time routine, and Reece got jammies on and wanted to go into his new room (I think he said, "I seep (sleep) in the big bed!" So we said, well, by all means! We did story time and prayer in there, and had daddy bring in the fan from the nursery, and we sang songs like we always do. We talked about going to Bible class tomorrow, and Grammy and Papa coming to church with us. Then he said, "Momma seep in this bed." I said that mommy was going to sleep in her bed, and grammy sleep in her bed, and papa sleep in his bed, and daddy sleep in his bed, and Reece sleep in his bed. He seemed okay with that answer, and I said night night and walked out like I normally do. He was quiet for a minute, then said, "Momma? Mooomma?" More quiet. Then a bit of a distressed "Momma!" More quiet. Then, "Momma seepin' in da bed. Dadda seepin' in da bed. And Grammy seepin' in da bed. And Papa seepin' in da bed. And Reece seepin' in da bed..." Repeat. Then he was talking about his cars a bit, and after that Ethan and I descended down the stairs and didn't hear a peep otherwise. We were so nervous and surprised that he even stayed in his bed! And didn't cry at all! Aww...he's growing up! I just checked in on him, and he looks so small in that full sized bed. Cars in both hands.

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