Saturday, November 27, 2010


22 Weeks with Baby Walker #2

21 Weeks with Reece

Finally got back to work on Reece's first year scrapbook...I'm still on the hospital photos! It's pathetic how long it takes me to do a page! I journaled about the labor tonight for the page I'm working on, and the memories of the pain came flooding back! Ethan and I reminisced a little about those long hours of contractions and I said that I don't want to go through that again if I don't have to! So I think I'm leaning toward getting an epidural as soon as the pain gets to be too much, and especially if I'm not progressing very quickly like last time. Who knows, maybe things will go much faster and I'll be able to handle it.
I have been having a LOT of Braxton Hicks contractions since about week 19. I'm on week 22. Baby is very active and loving life in the womb, I can tell. Except for when Reece tries to climb on my belly. I'm cutting back on picking up Reece now, after noticing the other day after making Thanksgiving dinner and cleaning and just doing too much I had some cramping on the right side of my abdomen that stopped me in my tracks. Ethan told me to take it easy and let him do things for me. So today I took it easy and rested a little, but of course I just can't relax all day when there are things to be done! I did do a little scrapbooking and tried to work on the quilt, but found out I need a different color of thread. So I have to go to the store to get some tomorrow before I finish that project. Wish I could start on a quilt for baby, but don't know the gender, and after baby is here there will be NO time!! Trying to get as much done now as possible. I keep thinking about Reece's room and what needs to be done about that, and how our lives will change once another baby is in the picture. I hope it's not as hard as I think it will be to make sure Reece still feels loved and special, because he is my good little guy. I just don't want him to get lost in the shuffle. We'll try to make sure he is involved with the baby as much as he wants to be, and give him all of the love and attention he deserves. I love him so much (I'm tearing up as I type). And my hope for the baby is that he/she gets as much attention and guidance as Reece has had to this point. Being a mommy is an emotional roller coaster.

1 comment:

  1. Cute belly! I think Reece is in no danger of not feeling loved. Did you ever feel that way? I think that since you're worried about it that shows you'll do a wonderful job of loving both :)
