Sunday, January 30, 2011

My "Baby" is 2!

Doing a puzzle with Grandma and Grandpa

Grandpa Walker showing Reece how the Hot Wheels track works

Reece trying to hold up "2" fingers for 2 years old

Reece having birthday cake

Mesmerized by the candles while we sing to him

Happy Birthday to you!

My first baby is 2 years old. I'm not sure how I feel about that!! I do know that I cried the second night he slept in his big boy room in his big boy bed, but then again, I was crying about anything and everything that day from commercials to movie endings, to not being able to find something I was looking for in the garage. Must have been my pregnancy hormones going crazy...OR maybe I was just emotional because of all of the changes going on while my parents were at the house. Putting up a baby gate, painting in Reece's new room and getting his clothes moved in there, getting out newborn baby clothing, just nesting in general.

Grandma and Grandpa Walker came over on his birthday and brought some cake and some gifts. We went out to dinner at Smokey Bones and Reece had a good time flirting with the waitress and driving his cars on the table. He ate a BIG dinner and then we went home and had cake and ice cream. We sang Happy Birthday to him, and he wanted us to keep singing it over and over again. We put 2 candles on his cake, and he tried so hard to blow the candles out, but he just didn' t have enough umph, so grandpa blew them out for him and Reece looked a little confused, wondering where the fire went. When we asked him how old he was, he tried and tried to put his fingers down with his thumb...he had been working on it all day. He had 2 pieces of cake and some ice cream, then opened gifts. He got a harmonica and a 4 lane Hot Wheels race track from grandpa and grandma Walker. He was thrilled! We played with the track way past bedtime, but that's okay. He had fun!

He also got some gifts from people at church. He got a few Hot Wheels, a snow plow, a monster truck with light up wheels, and a new winter hat that a talented lady made him. So nice! I think we are up to our ears in Hot Wheels by now, and every time Reece gets a new one, that's his favorite for the time being. The ones he usually goes back to are the PT Cruiser (which he can spot on the road a mile away) and the Hummer. If we go on long trips, those are the ones that come with us. He can tell you the model of almost every car he has (Chevelle, Mustang, Maverick, Hummer, etc.) and most of them he can tell you who he got it from, or that he got it for Christmas. He thinks everything he has been getting for his birthday is for Christmas. He got a birthday card today at church, and said, "I got it for Christmas!" And we corrected him and said it was for his birthday. He nods his head up and down and says, "I got it for my birthday!" So it's a little confusing to him why he is eternally getting gifts since December, but he thinks it's pretty neat all at the same time. Now he'll really be confused because we're celebrating his birthday with Grammy and Papa, and Auntie Em and Uncle Jeff and Nolen in Michigan on Friday, and he'll have another cake, and get sung Happy Birthday again, and get more gifts! There could be worse things!!! :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Has It Been 40 Weeks Yet?

I have a dr. appointment today, and I think I may switch docs after this baby comes. I should be going every 2 weeks as I am in my 3rd trimester, but last time they didn't have any appointments available at 2 weeks so I had to wait 3 weeks for an appointment. I'm going to tell the doctor today that I'm not happy with the scheduling, and that they should be trying to fit women in who are in their 3rd trimester. These women should take precedence over yearly exam people, etc. Perhaps after the doc has a talking to with the scheduling lady, I'll get in on time in 2 weeks next time. Also, it is quite inconvenient to have to drive downtown to the hospital for an appointment and pay for parking in the parking garage. I'm quite over it! Somewhere much closer to home would be much better.
Yesterday, I had an odd spell of fatigue coupled with my heart pounding and it wouldn't settle down even when I laid down for a while. It did stop after about a half hour, but I'm going to ask about it today and see what the nurse practitioner says (that's who I'm seeing today, and I don't like her much). I think I am about ready to have the baby...has it been 40 weeks yet? I'm sure after I have the baby there will be some days that I wish baby was still in my belly so that I only have 1 child to care for! I keep wondering what it is going to be like having 2 and trying to balance attention, mealtimes, nap times, housework, etc. It's going to be crazy, but I'm looking forward to growing our family and meeting this little one that has been growing inside my belly for 31 weeks! This little one has been nudging my ribs lately and my pelvic bone, and some movements make my belly button pop out, and pop back in. Also, my stomach is running out of room I think, because I'm getting heartburn more often. Tums have been my friend!
Reece has been happy as a clam today which makes mommy's day easier too! He has learned "C" is for "car." No surprise there! At breakfast he started saying, "Momma loves you, and Daddy loves you, and Grammy loves you and Papa loves you, and Auntie Em loves you, and Zuncle Jeff loves you, and Zuncle Zach loves you"...etc etc etc. So cute. Then he wanted down, but hadn't eaten all of his breakfast. I told him he needed to eat all of his breakfast before he got down to play, and this works for now. He (with a little help from me) ate the rest of breakfast and said, "NOW I get down and pway!" That's right little just remember that!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Big Boy in a BIG Bed!

My parents came this weekend and we touched up paint in Reece's big boy room and did a few other things around the house that I just felt I couldn't leave undone before baby gets here. We had Grammy and Papa talk up the big boy room and say how cool it was and what a nice big bed, etc. So we did the bath time routine, and Reece got jammies on and wanted to go into his new room (I think he said, "I seep (sleep) in the big bed!" So we said, well, by all means! We did story time and prayer in there, and had daddy bring in the fan from the nursery, and we sang songs like we always do. We talked about going to Bible class tomorrow, and Grammy and Papa coming to church with us. Then he said, "Momma seep in this bed." I said that mommy was going to sleep in her bed, and grammy sleep in her bed, and papa sleep in his bed, and daddy sleep in his bed, and Reece sleep in his bed. He seemed okay with that answer, and I said night night and walked out like I normally do. He was quiet for a minute, then said, "Momma? Mooomma?" More quiet. Then a bit of a distressed "Momma!" More quiet. Then, "Momma seepin' in da bed. Dadda seepin' in da bed. And Grammy seepin' in da bed. And Papa seepin' in da bed. And Reece seepin' in da bed..." Repeat. Then he was talking about his cars a bit, and after that Ethan and I descended down the stairs and didn't hear a peep otherwise. We were so nervous and surprised that he even stayed in his bed! And didn't cry at all! Aww...he's growing up! I just checked in on him, and he looks so small in that full sized bed. Cars in both hands.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Getting Sleep While I Can!

It was so nice to have Ethan home on a Monday! We slept in until 9am because Reece slept until 9 am! However, he was up in the middle of the night crying and talking about cars. I had Ethan go see to him, and he tried rocking him back to sleep, but to no avail, and he kept asking for momma. So, he brought him to bed with us, and and snuggled between us and went to sleep. Meanwhile, I couldn't sleep because Reece was rolling over and talking and twitching, etc. At about 6am I took him back to bed...I just needed to sleep! Luckily, he stayed asleep soundly until 9am. Then we all had breakfast and left to run errands. After Lowe's, Sears, and WalMart, we had lunch and all took a nap of some sort.
I have been experiencing some discomfort as the baby is head down I think, and grinding against my pelvic bones and squashing my bladder. I think the baby was doing the log roll today! Ugh! Every time I hold Reece upon my belly the baby gets a little antsy. I wonder if Reece feels all of that going on in there. I hope the baby isn't feeling too much pressure in there when Reece is sitting on my lap or what have you. Ethan is doing most of the lifting, putting Reece into the car and his high chair, when he's here.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Teething or Two?

Whew! What a day! Reece woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Usually when I go get him from his bed he is excited to tell me about, blanket, baby, Elmo, but this morning all he said was, "No." So I asked if I should go bye bye, and he said, "Momma go bye bye" so I went to leave and he didn't want me to leave, and then he did, and .... you get the picture. He did this for the rest of the morning about breakfast, going down stairs, cars, etc. And finally had a melt down about not being able to carry all of the cars he wanted to carry at a time which was about 7. My plan for the day was to run errands before an 11AM story time at the library. Well, we left at 10:30AM with Reece not having had breakfast at all. I said, "We ARE going to the library, and we WILL have fun!" On the way out the door of course he spotted some pretzels and wanted those...Nope! I prepared him a bowl of cheerios and yogurt covered raisins and a cup of milk and called that breakfast. Once in the car, and eating, he was happier and talking about cars passing by and the like. Of course, I had also dosed him with Tylenol at some point in the morning hoping to help the teething situation, IF in fact that was the problem. So, either the Tylenol kicked in, or he's just 2 years old, or a change of scenery did him some good. I, on the other hand, called Ethan and told him about the rough morning, to vent. Then, I got some coffee at McDonald' then, I needed some! We drove to the library, where we saw an old friend from baby story time months ago, and had fun reading books, doing finger plays and action songs, and then puzzle time. We checked out some books and headed back to the car. On the way out, Reece tripped and fell in the black slush in the parking lot, dropping the picture book he was holding in the black slush...and soaking his jeans with black slush. Not to be deterred from my errands (sorry Reece about the wet pants! He didn't seem to notice at all) we ate a cheeseburger from McDonald's (it was past lunch time and he only had a small snack for breakfast) on the way to Walmart to get wipes (much needed), and then to the Dollar Tree to get something for a craft day with some girls from church. We got home, and Reece went straight to bed and slept for a couple hours. Woke up with the same kind of up and down, crazy behavior that he had this morning. Needless to say, he went to bed shortly after 8pm as soon as he had his last tantrum about not being able to carry 8 cars in his little, chubby hands. (Although, it is 8:30 and he is still awake talking about cars.) What a day. I hope a long nights rest starts the day off better tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow and Snuggles

Today Reece was in a funk. He didn't eat breakfast and then sat on the couch with me for a hour and a half watching Sesame Street and other kid shows on PBS. Totally unlike him! He dozed in and out and then asked to get up and play. It has been snowing all day, so I got him dressed and we went outside and sledded down the driveway on what little tiny of a hill there is! He had a little fun, but as usual wanted mittens off and is "all done with coat." So we came back inside and snuggled on the couch again after he had a huge meltdown about not being able to carry all 7 Hot Wheels cars in his hands at the same time. He fell asleep snuggling with me on the couch without having any lunch or breakfast to speak of. When he woke he was hungry, ate a big lunch and was all kinds of smiles and happiness. So glad he felt better after sleeping!
I have really been feeling the baby roll around in my belly. I can now feel actual body parts moving around. When baby is smaller, they just float around in fluid and don't fill out the uterus as much so you can feel the movements and bumps but they are random and disappear. Now, I can feel the big baby in there filling out! I feel like this baby is going to come early like Reece did. I just feel further along with the pressure, size of belly, size of baby, etc. I have been nesting and trying to get the house in order but there just always seems to be SO much to do!! The major thing is transitioning Reece to his room and new bed, and when to do it. And of course I have projects that need to be done that I know won't get done after baby arrives. Well, I better sign off before I freak out right before going to bed. The adrenaline will get baby all fired up and moving around right as I'm attempting to get to sleep! :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dr. Visit @ 28 weeks

29 Weeks

Today was the good ol' glucose test. So funny that they have to do that for everyone, even when clearly I am in good health and have no sugar issues. Wouldn't you be able to tell?? Anyway, had to wake Reece up to go to the doc after only an hour. Poor guy needed his sleep! He cried the whole way because the sun was in his eyes and he was trying to go back to sleep. He never was able to. He did fine at the doctor though...gave him lots of snacks. At the appt. I measured 26 weeks, so 2 behind, but I told her everything just spreads out nicely when you are tall like me. I weigh 160 lbs., which means I have gained about 25 lbs. already!! Last time I gained 38 lbs, so I guess I'm on track for the same.
Baby was VERY active yesterday to the point that I thought I might get sick if it moved around anymore from motion sickness or something! When I woke, for the first time I felt feet kicking up under my ribs and a head bumping into my pelvic bone. So funny how everything is kind of "old hat" the second time around, but still amazing all at the same time. I'm feeling the waddle coming hoo. But otherwise I am feeling great besides the occasional heart burn. Peppermint for whatever reason gives me heartburn...even gum! So no peppermint patties or gum or candy canes for me.
Reece has had a few quotes of the vacation: "What in the world are you talking about?" and "I don't know where the car went!"