Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Boy will we have 2 happy campers here when "dada" gets home! Ethan was gone for about a week and Reece and I were in Michigan during that time. There were other people around and we were on the go a lot, and Reece was a tad younger, so I don't think Reece realized as much that daddy was "gone." But he's only been gone for a day and a half, and Reece goes to the front door and says, "Dada?" Then he hears the washing machine make a noise that sounds like the garage door opening and says, "Dada!" and runs to the garage door. He is really anxious for daddy to come back! He's the one that wrestles and plays chase when he gets home! Mommy just cooks and cleans the house and folds laundry and is busy a lot! That's right, I'm all work and no play! Just kidding. I stop to play amid the cleaning and such...but I'm just not daddy. But I'm okay with that. Speaking of daddy coming home, he could be home within a few hours, so I've got to get the kitchen floor mopped and vacuum before he arrives...gotta run!


  1. Hope Ethan makes it home safely! I always hate it when Matthew is on call overnight. I don't think I could survive several nights in a row! Congratulations on your pregnancy! I don't think I've told you yet. I also felt the "quickening" around week 14 and no one believes me! They all think it's too early...nah, I know that's my baby.
    Missed Reece on Sunday. We had a full class with Maggie in town as well as Ben and Wendi Vick.
    Hope your family all continues to recover quickly!

  2. That is so sweet! I can't wait for Emmett to be like that with Matt.
