Friday, October 29, 2010

Ultrasound at 18 weeks

18 weeks today! We had the ultrasound on Wednesday. I had to wake Reece up from his nap to put him in the car to go to the appointment. Poor guy. As I put him into the carseat, he was saying, "Bed. Night, night. Sleep!" He was NOT done with his nap! I thought he would fall back asleep in the car, as he has done in the past, but not this time. He dozed off a few times, but every time the car stopped he would wake again. On the freeway, he saw a FedEx truck with the letters big and bold on the back of the truck. He said in his very sleepy voice, "R for Reece!" I told him that was close, that they were letters, but there was no R. We picked up Ethan at work. Sometimes he walks to the appointments, but it was so windy that he preferred a pickup!

We waited in the waiting room for the ultrasound, and I had to use the restroom. I should not have because when we got into the ultrasound, the baby was too far down in my pelvis and didn't have as much room to move, so the tech couldn't get all of the measurements she needed. So she told us to go to the appointment with the doctor and chug lots of water to fill my bladder back up, then come back when my bladder was full. So Ethan left to go back to work because all of this was taking too long! So we waited some more, went to the appointment, she sent us back to the waiting room after a very short listen of the heartbeat and that's about all, and we waited some more. The tech came and got us again, and she got all of the organs and measurements that she needed. By this time, I had to GO! I told the nurse that I was either going to go in a cup, or an accident might happen! She rushed me to a room and did the pee test, and we were off...almost 2 and a half hours later. And it was rush hour downtown Indy. And Reece and I were hungry! What a day.

Baby is measuring about 1/2 pound which is right on track. All is well in the womb! It was so neat to see the makes things more real! The profile is so different than Reece's ultrasound profile!

Baby's arm and ear

Baby's Feet


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