Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Has It Been 40 Weeks Yet?

I have a dr. appointment today, and I think I may switch docs after this baby comes. I should be going every 2 weeks as I am in my 3rd trimester, but last time they didn't have any appointments available at 2 weeks so I had to wait 3 weeks for an appointment. I'm going to tell the doctor today that I'm not happy with the scheduling, and that they should be trying to fit women in who are in their 3rd trimester. These women should take precedence over yearly exam people, etc. Perhaps after the doc has a talking to with the scheduling lady, I'll get in on time in 2 weeks next time. Also, it is quite inconvenient to have to drive downtown to the hospital for an appointment and pay for parking in the parking garage. I'm quite over it! Somewhere much closer to home would be much better.
Yesterday, I had an odd spell of fatigue coupled with my heart pounding and it wouldn't settle down even when I laid down for a while. It did stop after about a half hour, but I'm going to ask about it today and see what the nurse practitioner says (that's who I'm seeing today, and I don't like her much). I think I am about ready to have the baby...has it been 40 weeks yet? I'm sure after I have the baby there will be some days that I wish baby was still in my belly so that I only have 1 child to care for! I keep wondering what it is going to be like having 2 and trying to balance attention, mealtimes, nap times, housework, etc. It's going to be crazy, but I'm looking forward to growing our family and meeting this little one that has been growing inside my belly for 31 weeks! This little one has been nudging my ribs lately and my pelvic bone, and some movements make my belly button pop out, and pop back in. Also, my stomach is running out of room I think, because I'm getting heartburn more often. Tums have been my friend!
Reece has been happy as a clam today which makes mommy's day easier too! He has learned "C" is for "car." No surprise there! At breakfast he started saying, "Momma loves you, and Daddy loves you, and Grammy loves you and Papa loves you, and Auntie Em loves you, and Zuncle Jeff loves you, and Zuncle Zach loves you"...etc etc etc. So cute. Then he wanted down, but hadn't eaten all of his breakfast. I told him he needed to eat all of his breakfast before he got down to play, and this works for now. He (with a little help from me) ate the rest of breakfast and said, "NOW I get down and pway!" That's right little just remember that!

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